Protecting Your Property During an Upcoming Roofing Repair or Replacement
Many details go into the preparation for home improvements. From determining the scope of the work to scheduling a convenient time to get the job done, there are many things to keep in mind and plan for. As you go through this process, don’t leave out protecting your home during an upcoming roofing repair or replacement job. At ACE Construction & Remodeling, Inc., we take great care to protect your windows, landscaping, attic, and whole home from damage during repair, installation and maintenance jobs. In addition, we encourage you to take proactive steps to keep your property in East Central Indiana clean and safe from construction damage.
How You (and Your Contractor) Can Protect Your Home and Lawn
The following tips will help you protect your home’s exterior during roofing repairs or replacement. Talk with your contractor to find out what they do to prevent damage and take the right steps to further safeguard your home and belongings.
Here are a few tips to get you started.
Take Your Wall Decorations Down – Nail guns, hammers, and other roofing tools create vibrations that travel through the walls of your home. To protect your photos and wall art, we recommend taking the following steps:
- Remove pictures, shelves, and art from the walls and ceilings.
- Take down any decorations not secured with screws.
- For extra security, take down expensive chandeliers and other suspended lighting fixtures.
Protect Attic Contents – Depending on how long you’ve lived in your home, you may have accumulated quite a few items in your attic. From grandma’s wedding dress to children’s books and toys, you’ll want to keep everything safe.
During the roofing process, wood splinters and dust can settle on your treasured belongings. Fortunately, it’s easy to protect them without moving everything into the basement or spare room. Our contractors will put plastic on the ceiling to help limit the dust. You can also lay blankets or tarps over your belongings to further protect them.
Cover Your Landscaping -If you have shrubs and flowers around your home, you can protect them with tarps. For the best results, do this the day roof repairs begin, leaving openings that allow your plants to breathe.
Protect Your Windows -Keep your windows intact by protecting them during your roof replacement. Although our roofing pros do all they can to keep tools secured, we may need to cover upper level windows with wooden boards that are easy to remove as part of the job site cleanup.
Additional Ways to Keep Your Property Safe During Roof Construction
Looking for more ways to prevent mishaps during roof construction? Follow the steps below to keep your patio, pool, and property clean and clear of nails, wood chips, and other detritus:
- Cover the pool with a clean tarp to prevent debris from damaging the lining or getting stuck in the filter.
- Cut the grass so it’s easy to find stray nails or other debris. Our roofing installers sweep the property to clean up, but an extra set of eyes can’t hurt.
- Inform the neighbors. To preserve goodwill in the neighborhood, it’s a good idea to let your neighbors know when our roofers are coming. This will prepare them for the extra noise and activity during the project.
If you need help determining whether to repair or replace your roof, our experts can perform an inspection to make your decision easier.
Trust ACE Construction & Remodeling, Inc. with all your roofing repair and replacement needs. Contact us today to discuss more ways to protect your home and property during upcoming roofing construction.